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You are registered in a weekly tutorial in Chem 353 for Winter 2024.

Use your CAL tutorial time to work on / review :

ALL are there to help you learn and therefore help you maximise your examination performance and so achieve a higher grade.

The assignments are run online using Moodle, a free learning management system.

We believe too many students struggle with Organic Chemistry because they don't study/work effectively or wisely or with a view to the long term goals.


What is a "self assessment" ? A "self assessment" helps you measure your learning progress without is counting towards your coursemark. It's a low stakes way to practice for both assignments and examinations.

The self assessments cover the basic concepts we expect you to understand and you should be able to complete the assessments quickly. Note that many of the questions are similar to those that you may encounter on examinations.

If you "abuse" the self assessments (e.g. just copy answers from friends, don't complete them etc.) then you will probably FAIL the course because you will FAIL the examinations.  You need to know HOW to answer these questions YOURSELF.

If you work through the described review materials first, and are up to date with the lectures, course reading and notes, you should be able to complete most of each self assessment without going to a book or notes, and in 1-2 hours or less.

If you can't, then you need to study more and / or change / improve your study / work habits or you are in danger of under performing on examinations.

Most of the review material relates to the Organic Chemistry On-line Learning Center. This means there is not enough time for you to look at every single page and you will need to plan where you spend your time. If you "know" a topic, move on to something you still need to work on.

More about the actual self assessments.....

The CAL assignments cover and test the concepts that we expect you to understand and be able to apply.
The assignments are structured to allow you to determine (measure) your understanding at different levels, starting from the basic leves and ending at the course examination level. This should allow you to determine where your problems are.
Getting the easier questions wrong is a sign that you need to work on the basics, as it is likely to become a much more significant problem as the course continues.
Getting the more difficult problems wrong but the easier ones right is perhaps an indicator that more practice is needed to give you overall success.
This also means you should not expect your assignment scores to match your examination scores. However, being below average on the assignments is likely to mean you will be below average on the examinations.

Some of the assignment questions are very similar to those that you may encounter on examinations and therefore the assignments are a way to measure your progress before an examination.

The assignments are to be completed in specific weeks in your registered tutorial time.
They are to be written under examination conditions.
The assignments have to be submitted in the 50 minute time limit (that's the length of a CAL time slot).
If you work through the review materials first, and are up to date with the course reading, notes, questions etc. then you should be able to complete the assessment in the time allowed without using a textbook or other resources.
If you can't, then you need to study more and / or improve your study / work habits or you are in danger of failing the examinations.

A more specific outline of the assignments is provided. (i.e. coverage, links to materials, timetable of availability and deadlines)

Most of the review material relates to the Organic Chemistry On-line Learning Center. This means there is not enough time for you to look at every single page and you will need to plan where you spend your time. If you "know" a topic, move on to something you still need to work on.

Typically there is a strong direct correlation between students scores on the assignments and their examination performance. So if you are struggling with the assignments, you should take that as a warning and work towards fixing the problems as soon as possible.

More about the actual assignments.....


On-Line materials are MORE effective as a learning tool because:


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