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Chapter 5:
Structure and Preparation of Alkenes.
Elimination Reactions
Ch 5 contents
Elimination Answers
Qu 1:  When heated with H2SO4, 2o alcohols undergo dehydration via an E1 mechanism.

     The major product is the tri-substituted alkene, methylcyclohexene

Qu 2: When heated with strong bases such as NaOEt, alkyl bromides undergo E2 elimination.

The outcome of E2 reactions is dependent on the antiperiplanar arrangement of the C-H and C-LG bonds. For substituted cyclohexanes this requires that the LG be axial.

cis isomer with -Br axial
For the cis-isomer with the -Br axial, the more highly susbtituted alkene can be formed by removal of the H adjacent to the methyl group.

cis isomer with -Br axialFor the trans-isomer, when the -Br is axial  the methyl group is also axial. Therefore the elimination must occur from the C3-H bond giving the anti-Zaitsev product.

The reactive conformation is an unfavourable diaxial conformer, therefore the reaction will be slower than that of the cis-isomer.

Qu 3:  These are elimination reactions : 

(a) First the E2 reaction of an alkyl halide with a strong base.  There two possible H atoms at C3 that can be removed to give 2-butene, look at each in turn: 
Newman projection for the formation of trans-2-butene Newman projection for the formation of cis-2-butene
In this staggered conformation with the methyl groups anti, the H is anti to the Br leaving group giving trans-2-butene. With the H anti to the Br, the methyl groups are a less stable gauche relationship. This leads to the cis-alkene

(b) Now the E1 reaction of an alcohol with a strong acid. Again there are two possible H atoms at C3 to consider:
Newman projection for the formation of trans-2-butene Newman projection for the formation of trans-2-butene
With H+ lined up as shown to allow formation of the π bond, the methyl groups end up trans in the alkene. With H+ lined up as shown to allow formation of the p cis in the alkene. bond, the methyl groups are in close proximity and end up

Implications: The steric interactions in the product forming steps control the stereoselectivity favouring trans-2-butene.

Qu 4: The lowest energy conformation of menthyl chloride has the chlorine atom in a equatorial postion.

In this position there is no antiperiplanar H , ring flip is difficult as it would require to formation of a triaxial conformer.
In contrast, in neomenthyl chloride, the lowest energy confromation has the chlorine atom axial with 2 H in the correct orientation to give the products. The major product is the more highly substituted alkene.

organic chemistry © Dr. Ian Hunt, Department of Chemistry University of Calgary