Introductory IUPAC Organic Nomenclature
In the summer of 2014, the site was updated to a Javacript system. At that time, it was checked and worked as expected on Internet
Explorer, Mozilla / Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
The score and
the question count are tracked using cookies. If you have security
restriction on cookies in your browser, then you may not get a score at
the end but the program itself should still work.
the following set of drills you need to provide the systematic IUPAC name for
the compound whose line drawing (skeletal structure) is given.
Spelling and syntax are important
it's fundamental to nomenclature and so it is required in order to get the answer
- The problems in each
section genearlly start easy and get more difficult.
- When you think you know
the answer to a question, enter the name in the text box provided.
- Use lower
case text when entering the names - it is case
specific (because capitals can have a special meaning).
- Only use UPPER
CASE for special terms such as E/Z or R/S stereochemistry and
locants such as N.
- To check the answer press
"submit answer" (in
IE "enter" also works).
- Your answer and appropriate
feedback messages will be displayed in the top
box on the right of the page.
- Previous answers and
messages will be shifted down a position.
- The automated feedback
is to help you work out where you went wrong.
- If it is not obvious
from the feedback why it's not correct check the alphabetisation and the syntax
(spaces, commas, hyphens etc.)
- Note the syntax feedback
may not always work correctly, we are working on improving that feature, treat
it with caution for now.
- If you get an answer
correct, you will be able to move on to the next question.
- If after 10
tries you haven't answered the question correctly, then
the solution will become available - so you must "try" !