I-i   The reaction that forms 2-methylpropene from t-butyl bromide is an elimination reaction. The reagent, sodium ethoxide, is a strong base so we are looking at an E2 reaction : concerted reaction of the base to remove the proton, form the C=C and loss of the bromide ion :


I-ii  The reaction that forms the ether, t-butyl ethyl ether from t-butyl bromide is substitution reaction. The reagent, ethanol, is weak nucleophile and we have a tertiary bromide so we are looking at an SN1 reaction so we have loss of the leaving group to give the tertiary carbocation then attack of the alcohol as the nucleophile (not the alkoxide - low concentration) :


I-iii  Given that the alkyl halide is quite hindered since it is tertiary, elimination is likely the major reaction. The balance of the nucleophilicity to the basicity of the oxygen system is also important.  The alkoxide, RONa, is very basic since the O is negatively charged and this strongly favours elimination over substitution.  In contrast, the alcohol, ROH, is much less basic and this disfavours elimination.

II-i   The reaction that forms 1-propanol from the di-n-propyl ether is a substitution reaction. The reagent, 60% sulfuric acid contains water which acts as the nucleophile. The mechanism requires that the ether O be protonated first to make a better leaving group (-ve O groups are poor leaving groups) and then the water attacks to displace the leaving group in an SN2 type reaction. It will not react as SN1 because primary carbocations are too unfavourable.  The sulfate or bisulfate ion is a very poor nucleophile as the -ve charge is resonance stabilised.  The final step is just an acid / base reaction to remove the proton :

Ether cleavage

II-ii  The reaction that forms 1-bromopropane from the di-n-propyl ether is a substitution reaction. The reagent, 60% hydrogen bromide contains the bromide ion, a very good nucleophile. The mechanism requires that the ether O be protonated first to make a better leaving group and then the bromide ion attacks to displace the
leaving group in an SN2 type reaction. It will not react as SN1 because primary carbocations are too unfavourable.  This forms an alcohol and an alkyl bromide. Alcohols react with HBr to give alkyl bromides... the mechanism requires that the alcohol O be protonated first to make a better leaving group and then the bromide ion attacks to displace the leaving group in an SN2 type reaction :

Ether cleavage to alkyl bromide

III-iii  In order for the phenol to convert to bromobenzene, a substitution reaction would be needed. But the C that would need to be attacked would be sp2 hybridised and nucleophilic substitution reactions occur on C atoms that are sp3.  Why ?  SN2 - backside attack on the sp2 would be impossible as the other C atoms in the ring are in the way. SN1 - the phenyl cation is too unstable to form.